The model of Gambit is done...for now. Today I added the new housing edge plates that matched the new dimensions, added supports that will hold the acrylic in a manner that is just tall enough to not interfere with the gantry and electromagnet.
I also thought it would be nice to quickly add a model of the arduino that I have planned to use for the project. I anticipate I will be adding a raspberry pi of some sort to allow me to better communicate with the system as it grows.
The ModelWith this complete, I am left to wait upon my return to college station where I will be able to add in the sensing mechanism and run a few more tests.
Over the next week, I will be in Seattle visiting with friends so I will have to crank out the work on the system as soon as I make it back. Beyond excited for it.
The Girls
Had a great day being able to spend it with my nieces nearby. Although they are full with far more energy than I can keep up with, they are the reason I do what I do.
Tonight I made it out to see a good friend Garduno. I brought with me a GPU that I had sought for over the past 2 years in my PC building journey. Having already filled my GPU need early, I was able to give this prized posession to him. I am sure he will do amazing things with it and can't wait to hear all about it.
Habit Tracking
Today, I journaled, did not work out, read, tracked my caloric intake, and worked on at least one of my personal projects. Today was a good day.
What I am thankful for
I am thankful for Garduno. He consistently keeps my eagerness to learn alive.