Black Powder, Chemicals, and Ignition

Posted on July 4th, 2022

Today was kind of relaxing. I was able to work on Gambit for a while and ended the day by enjoying some fireworks. Definetely one of the cooler things that happens on a holiday.


I got to inhale far too much solder fumes as I was putting together more of the sensing matrix. It is an extremely tedious task but the sooner it gets done, the better.


I also put together part of the gantry sliding mechanism to see how it will fit together prior to making it out tomorrow to test it. The electromagnet sliding mechanism glides effortlessly and am excited to see how it will function tomorrow.

Electromagnet Slider

Habit Tracking

Today, I journaled, worked out, read, tracked my caloric intake, and worked on at least one of my personal projects. Today was a good day.

What I am thankful for

I am thankful for this country. Sure it has it's ups and downs, but it has allowed me to continually pursue my passions.